Books about Avon Lake!

Lake Shore Cemetery of Avon Lake
by Sherry Newman Spenzer
Learn about the history of Lake Shore Cemetery, the colorful stories of its permanent residents, and the diverse nature of the community in which they lived
Price: $20 (can be purchased at any Avon Lake Historical Society.
The Avon Lake Story Continues
by Sherry Spenzer
Published in June 2018 in time for our bicentennial celebration and intended as a successor/followup to Milburn Walker’s Avon Lake Story. $10 with all sales to benefit Kiwanis scholarships. Buy it from the Kiwanis Club (they meet at the Library most Thursdays at 7pm) or at Avon Lake Historical Society events.

Socialites and Scofflaws:
Avon Lake's Past
by Sherry Newman Spenzer
Written by Sherry Newman Spenzer for Avon Lake Historical Society and published in August 2016. Sherry has generously donated all proceeds to Avon Lake Historical Society.
It can be purchased from Amazon, but wouldn’t you rather buy it from us? $16 at any Avon Lake Historical Society event. If Sherry is there, she’ll sign it for you, too!
Images of America: Avon Lake
by Gerry Vogel
Written by Gerry Vogel for Avon Lake Historical Society predecessor AL Historical Society and the Avon Lake Public Library and published in August 2011. Royalties are split between these organizations.
You can purchase the book from Avon Lake Historical Society whenever we have special events. You may also purchase directly from the publisher here.

Images of Rail:
Lake Shore Electric Railway
by Thomas Patton, Dennis Lamont, Al Doane
Published in 2009 as a collaboration between local rail enthusiasts Thomas Patton, Dennis Lamont and Al Doane. The Lake Shore Electric Railway connected Avon Lake to the world from the 1890s through the 1930s and changed our community’s form and function forever. Purchase it at Avon Lake Historical Society special events or from the publisher.
The Avon Lake Story
by Milburn Walker
Many people grew up with this earlier book, Milburn Walker’s The Avon Lake Story, published by the Kiwanis Club in 1966.
Avon Lake Public Library has many copies available.

Avon Lake: A Journey in Time
Volume I (1999) and Volume II (2007)
by Nancy Nelson Abram
Self-published, both volumes are available at the Avon Lake Public Library.
Cabin Boy
by Vincent Dempsey
Dempsey, Vincent. New York: Coward McCann, 1956. Fiction set in turn-of-last-century Avon Lake. This book is in the public domain and can be accessed online here.

History of Avon Lake
by Edward Ennis
Avon Lake, OH: unpublished typescript, 1941. Available in Avon Lake Public Library's Avon Lake collection.
Avon Lake
by Don Libey
San Francisco: Campbell and Lewis, 2011. Fictionalized memoir.

History of Troy Township
by Eric Johnson
Avon Lake, OH: Johnson, 2007. Biography, including genealogy of Noah Davis. Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the cities of Avon and Avon Lake, Ohio.
Here I Thought I Was Normal:
Micro Memoirs of Mischief
by Frank Rocco Satullo
Middletown, OH: Zone Free Publishing, 2013. Biography.