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History Room
This is the first in a regular series of blog posts about Avon Lake’s history.
“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.” – Pearl S. Buck, author
In 2019, Avon Lake will celebrate its bicentennial. From its first appellation of Xeuma (prior to 1818) to Troy Township (from 1818 to 1824) to Avon Township (from 1824 to 1919) to its current designation of Avon Lake, this area has developed from a swampy, virtually uninhabitable wilderness to a modern suburb of Cleveland that more than 23,000 people call home.
Integral to both the city’s future and past is Avon Lake Public Library. Our promotional phrase, “Discovery begins here”, not only means, for you the patron, exploring the latest movies and digital technology, but also learning about Avon Lake’s history through a myriad of resources, including The Cleveland Memory Project, Avon Lake Historical Society, written and oral histories, photographs, newspapers, and scrapbooks.
In 2015, the Library dedicated the Marybelle Arnold North Coast History Room with the objective to preserve and showcase our area’s rich history. A team of passionate professional librarians and volunteers continues to work daily to collect, preserve, and promote physical and digital items that contribute to telling our city’s story.
We are excited to embark on this online historical journey that will feature the people, places, and events that shaped Avon Lake. We also invite you to be a part of this experience. We welcome your stories, photographs, memorabilia, and anything else you would be willing to share that relates to our city’s history. Please comment or contact us at 440-549-4425.
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